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Fire Island Year Round Residents Association Welcomes You

Officers and Board Members

Who We Are

President: Dawn Lippert - Kismet

Vice President: Peggy Danziger- Seaview

Treasurer: Danielle Bellemare- Kismet

Secretary: Byron Chenault - Ocean Beach

Board of Directors 

Karen Spollen - Kismet

Vernon Henricksen - Saltaire

Kathleen Chinkel - Fair Harbor

Ray Forbes - Dunewood

Conor Heslin - Lonleyville

Mark Cherveny - Atlantique 

Terry Wisun - Robbins Rest 

Chris Dunworth - FI Summer Club 

Robin Citriniti - Corneille Estates 

Ian Levine & Dale Wyckoff - Ocean Beach 

Luke Kaufman - Seaview 

Lanny Vannoni - Ocean Bay Park

Robert Bragg - Point O' Woods

Mike Fisher & Gary Sacks - Cherry Grove 

Walter Boss - Fire Island Pines 


Get in Touch

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